The Manor-house Mojmírovce

The Manor-house Mojmírovce*** is a cultural monument built in 1721. Today it is a three-star congress hotel surrounded by a magnificent old park, combining history and modern times. The manor house has hundreds of paintings reminiscent of its past along with salons dedicated to Count Anton Grassalkowich of Mojmírovce and the manor’s original owners, the Hunyady Family. Inside the mansion, the Hall of Tolerance depicts the world’s religions along with important historical figures. The interior also has a unique, truly iconic lounge with 130 icons, a hallway with scenes from Slovak folktales, a 25-meter covered pool in the style of a winter garden, the new wellness, a corridor with copies of the world’s most famous works of art and a wine room and cellar awarded a world prize for its brick construction. In addition, there is a 25 meter covered shooting range and a convention hall that seats 120 at a famous breeding farm located in Mojmírovce. Come and join us.

The Manor-house Mojmírovce

Školská 919
951 15 Mojmírovce

Tel: +421 37 77 98 201
Tel: +421 907 846 040

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