Castle Kastiel Kubinyi in Vysny Kubin

Castle Kastiel Kubinyi is a place where history, quality of service and the atmosphere of an outstanding environment come together.

The historic area of Castle Kastiel Kubinyi lies right in the heart of a picturesque region Orava situated in the north of Slovakia. Its dominant feature is the baroque mansion from the 18th century, which was declared National historic heritage site.

Nowadays, the property offers to its guests modern and comfortable accommodation in 12 hotel rooms with a charming Spa overlooking a beautiful English park and local mountains. First rate services go hand in hand with excellent food and wine which you should not miss while visiting their restaurant Amalia.

Castle Kastiel Kubinyi provides exceptional space not only for a romantic stay but also for holding elegant wedding receptions or ineteresting cultural events throughout the whole year.

Come over and discover the hidden gem of northern Slovakia.

Castle Kastiel Kubinyi

Mjr. Archipova 196/25
02601 Vysny Kubin

Your hosts:
Pavol and Tatiana Kozacik

Tel: +421 948 001 228

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