ŠIMÁK ZÁMOK PEZINOK, a renovated castle from 13th century, is located only 20 km from Bratislava, in the center of Pezinok town, surrounded by a green castle park. It features PALACE ART HOTEL, which offers unique accommodation in 48 rooms and suites, the best culinary experience and grandiose interior premises with the largest Golden Hall of Katarina Pálffy for 300 guests. The Castle Winery, the International Gallery of Art Glass and the Exhibition of Ján Pálffy’s Apartments from the time of his stay at the castle in the 19th century are also the special parts of castle area. Come and join us.

Palace Art Hotel Pezinok

Mladoboleslavská 5
902 01 Pezinok

Tel: +421 904 720 000
E-mail: hotel@zamokpezinok.sk

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