Hotel Alte Post in Müllheim, Markgräflerland region

A place’s essence is shaped by its tales and the individuals who breathe life into it. This is precisely what makes the Alte Post hotel in Müllheim truly exceptional. Nestled within the walls of an 18th-century postal inn, this establishment embodies a rich history and a modern, forward-thinking family enterprise with a distinct philosophy. Since 1986, the unwavering commitment has been to extend warm hospitality while cherishing and safeguarding the natural beauty of the Markgräflerland region.

At Hotel Alte Post hotel, you’ll discover 51 splendid rooms adorned with eco-friendly materials, a sustainable and environmentally conscious culinary experience, spacious event venues, a flourishing courtyard farm garden, and a serene park for relaxation. It is not only a place of business but also the home of your host family, who invites you to make it your home for a while. Being at home signifies arriving, unwinding, and relishing life’s simple pleasures. The Alte Post can also serve as an inspiring and tranquil retreat for business meetings. Situated on the periphery of the region’s vineyards, it offers ample space to accommodate your every need.

Hotel Alte Post

(on the B3 federal road)
79379 Müllheim

Your host:
The Mack Family

Tel: +49 76 31 17 870

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