Heritage Avenida Liberdade Hotel

View over the heart of the city at a boutique hotel in Lisbon old town.

The blue façade of the Heritage Avenida Liberdade Hotel stands out in the architectonic group of the prime artery in the capital – Avenida da Liberdade. Subject to careful rehabilitation, this 18th century building has come back to life thanks to a unique project. The work of Miguel Câncio Martins – whose interventions in the most cosmopolitan capitals stand out for their daring and creativity – the authorship of this reconstruction involves the diluting of the physical borders between the city and the hotel. Lisbon and its poets, the people and the life going on under the warm light of the capital are the main movers in the story recounted here.

With its sober lines, the Heritage Avenida Liberdade building is linked to the history of the place and its reconstruction after the great earthquake of 1755. Erected on property of the illustrious Ericeiras family, it is located on the corner of the former «Passeio Público» – Avenida da Liberdade – and Largo da Anunciada, one of the most typical places in the capital. Today, in the city centre this boutique hotel manes to be a private place where the past and the contemporary spirit are in harmony. Like the beating of a heart.

Heritage Avenida Liberdade Hotel

Av. da Liberdade 28
1250-145 Lisboa

Tel: +351 21 340 4040
E-mail: reservations@heritage.pt

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