Chateau Lány in Břeclav

Chateau Lany in Břeclav is a hunting estate located in the heart of the Lednice-Valtice reservation, protected by the UNESCO heritage foundation. It was built in 1810 under the supervision of architect Josef Hardmuth for the Liechtenstein noble family. The Chateau offers six luxury apartments with another four apartments in a detached lodge next to it.

The entire site offers unparalleled views of the wide plains around it where wildlife such as deer and fallow deer can be seen roaming freely. Stroodel fine dining restaurant is located on the property as well, offering a culinary selection of local cuisine dishes.

The environment is perfect for outdoor activities such as cycling, roller skating, horse riding and of course primarily hunting.

Chateau Lány

Pohansko 1056, Obora Soutok
690 02 Břeclav
Czech Republic

Your host:
Miroslav Uko

Tel: +420 608 783 440

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